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Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Satu Hari Kini Tinggal 23 Jam

Sains & Teknologi

Satu Hari Kini Tinggal 23 Jam
Gempa dengan magnitude 9 yang menghantam Jepang, 11 Maret lalu mengubah poros Bumi.
Selasa, 10 Mei 2011, 11:05 WIB
Muhammad Firman
Gempa dengan magnitude 9 yang menghantam Jepang, 11 Maret lalu mengubah poros planet Bumi yang mengakibatkan semakin pendeknya waktu dalam satu hari. (NOAA/NASA GOES Project)

- Richard Gross, peneliti dari Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA menyusun model penghitungan kompleks untuk mengalkulasikan secara teoritis, bagaimana gempa bumi di Jepang, yang merupakan gempa terbesar kelima sejak tahun 1900, memengaruhi rotasi Bumi.

Memanfaatkan data dari United States Geological Survey, hasil perhitungan mengindikasikan adanya perubahan distribusi massa Bumi. Gempa Jepang telah membuat Bumi berputar sedikit lebih cepat, dan memperpendek waktu dalam satu hari hingga 1,8 mikrodetik atau sepersejuta detik.

Kalkulasi yang dibuat juga menunjukkan bahwa poros Bumi bergerak sekitar 17 centimeter ke arah bujur timur. Perubahan poros ini akan membuat pergerakan Bumi sedikit berbeda. Namun itu tidak mempengaruhi posisi Bumi di ruang angkasa karena hanya kekuatan eksternal seperti gravitasi Matahari, Bulan, dan planet-planet yang mampu mengubah itu.

Seputar semakin singkatnya waktu dalam satu hari yang sudah tidak mencapai 24 jam, sebagai gambaran, akibat gempa dengan magnitude 8,8 yang terjadi tahun lalu di Chile, waktu dalam satu hari telah dipangkas sebesar 1,26 mikrodetik dan menggeser poros Bumi sekitar 8 cm.

Padahal, menggunakan kalkulasi serupa yang dilakukan setelah gempa dengan magnitude 9,1 yang menghantam Aceh tahun 2004 lalu, waktu dalam satu hari sudah berkurang sebesar 6,8 mikrodetik akibat bergesernya poros dan bentuk Bumi sekitar 7 cm.

“Rotasi Bumi terus berubah, dan tidak hanya disebabkan oleh gempa, namun juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain seperti angin di atmosfer dan arus samudera,” kata Gross, seperti dikutip dari Science Daily, 10 Mei 2011. “Bagaimana gempa memengaruhi rotasi Bumi tergantung pada skala, lokasi, dan bagaimana gempa terjadi,” ucapnya.

Gross menyebutkan, dalam kurun satu tahun, waktu dalam satu hari bisa bertambah dan juga berkurang sekitar satu milidetik atau 550 kali lebih besar dibanding akibat gempa Jepang. Demikian pula dengan lempeng Bumi yang bisa bergeser sekitar 1 meter dalam satu tahun akibat berbagai gempa.

“Secara teori, apapun yang mampu meredistribusi massa Bumi akan mengubah rotasi planet Bumi,” kata Gross. “Namun demikian, perubahan rotasi dan poros Bumi seharusnya tidak memengaruhi kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Perubahan ini sangat alami dan terjadi kapan saja. Orang-orang tidak perlu khawatir,” ucapnya.

Meski telah membuat penghitungan, kalkulasi yang dibuat Gross, baik untuk rotasi dan poros Bumi, hasilnya kemungkinan akan masih berubah dengan munculnya data-data baru yang lebih akurat seputar fenomena yang terjadi di Bumi. (umi)

Kamis, 14 April 2011


                     Majas atau gaya bahasa adalah pemanfaatan kekayaan bahasa, pemakaian ragam tertentu untuk memperoleh efek-efek tertentu, keseluruhan ciri bahasa sekelompok penulis sastra dan cara khas dalam menyampaikan pikiran dan perasaan, baik secara lisan maupun tertulis


1.      Klimaks
Adalah semacam gaya bahasa yang menyatakan beberapa hal yang dituntut semakin lama semakin meningkat.
Contoh : Kesengsaraan membuahkan kesabaran, kesabaran pengalaman, dan pengalaman harapan.
2.      Antiklimaks
Adalah gaya bahasa yang menyatakan beberapa hal berurutan semakin lma semakin menurun.
Contoh : Ketua pengadilan negeri itu adalah orang yang kaya, pendiam, dan tidak terkenal namanya
3.      Paralelisme
Adalah gaya bahasa penegasan yang berupa pengulangan kata pada baris  atau kalimat. Contoh : Jika kamu minta, aku akan datang
4.      Antitesis
Adalah gaya bahasa yang menggunakan pasangan kata yang berlawanan maknanya.
Contoh : Kaya miskin, tua muda, besar kecil, smuanya mempunyai kewajiban terhadap keamanan bangsa.
Reptisi adalah perulangan bunyi, suku kata, kata atau bagian kalimat yang dianggap penting untuk memberi tekanan dalam sebuah konteks yang sesuai
5.      Epizeuksis
Adalah repetisi yang bersifat langsung, artinya kata yang dipentingkan diulang beberapa kali berturut-turut.
Contoh : Kita harus bekerja, bekerja, dan bekerja untuk mengajar semua ketinggalan kita.
6.      Tautotes
Ada;aj repetisi atas sebuah kata berulang-ulang dalam sebuah konstruksi.
Contoh : kau menunding aku, aku menunding kau, kau dan aku menjadi seteru
7.      Anafora
Adalah repetisi yang berupa perulangan kata pertama pada setiap garis.
Contoh : Apatah tak bersalin rupa, apatah boga sepanjang masa
8.      Epistrofora
Adalah repetisi yang berwujud perulangan kata atau frasa pada akhir kalimat berurutan Contoh : Bumi yang kau diami, laut yang kaulayari adalah puisi,
Udara yang kau hirupi, ari yang kau teguki adalah puisi
9.      Simploke
Adalah repetisi pada awal dan akhir beberapa baris atau kalimat berturut-turut.
Contoh : Kau bilang aku ini egois, aku bilang terserah aku. Kau bilang aku ini judes, aku bilang terserah aku.
10.  Mesodiplosis
Adalah repetisi di tengah-tengah baris-baris atau beberapa kalimat berurutan.
Contoh : Para pembesar jangan mencuri bensin. Para gadis jangan mencari perawannya sendiri.
11.  Epanalepsis
Adalah pengulangan yang berwujud kata terakhir dari baris, klausa atau kalimat, mengulang kata pertama.
Contoh : Kita gunakan pikiran dan perasaan kita.
12.  Anadiplosis
Adalah kata atau frasa terakhir dari suatu klausa atau kalimat menjadi kata atau frasa pertama dari klausa berikutnya.
Contoh : Dalam baju ada aku, dalam aku ada hati. Dalam hati : ah tak apa jua yang ada.

13.  Aliterasi
Adalah gaya bahasa berupa perulangan bunyi vokal yang sama.
Contoh : Keras-keras kena air lembut juga
14.  Asonansi
Adalah gaya bahasa berupa perulangan bunyi vokal yang sama.
Contoh : Ini luka penuh luka siapa yang punya  
15.  Anastrof atau Inversi
Adalah gaya bahasa yang dalam pengungkapannya predikat kalimat mendahului subejeknya karena lebih diutamakan.
Contoh : Pergilah ia meninggalkan kami, keheranan kami melihat peranginya.
16.  Apofasis atau Preterisio
Adalah gaya bahasa dimana penulis atau pengarang menegaskan sesuatu, tetapi tampaknya menyangkal.
Contoh : Saya tidak mau mengungkapkan dalam forum ini bahwa saudara telah menggelapkan ratusan juta rupiah uang negara
17.  Apostrof
Adalah gaya bahasa yang berbentuk pengalihan amanat dari para hadirin kepada sesuatu yang tidak hadir.
Contoh : Hai kamu semua yang telah menumpahkan darahmu untuk tanah air bercinta ini berilah agar kami dapat mengenyam keadilan dan kemerdekaan seperti yang pernah kau perjuangkan
18.  Asindeton
Adalah gaya bahasa yang menyebutkan secara berturut-turut tanpa menggunakan kata penghubung agar perhatian pembaca beralih pada hal yang disebutkan.
Contoh : Dan kesesakan kesedihan, kesakitan, seribu derita detik-detik penghabisan orang melepaskan nyawa.
19.  Polisindeton
Adalah gaya bahasa yang menyebutkan secara berturut-turut dengan menggunakan kata penghubung.
Contoh : Kemanakah burung-burung yang gelisah dan tak berumah dan tak menyerah pada gelap dan dingin yang merontokkan bulu-bulunya?
20.  Kiasmus
Adalah gaya bahasa  yang terdiri dari dua bagian, yang bersifat berimbang, dan dipertentangkan satu sama lain, tetapi susunan frasa dan klausanya itu terbalik bila dibandingkan dengan frasa atau klausa lainnya.
Contoh : Semua kesabaran kami sudah hilang, lenyap sudah ketekunan kami untuk melanjutkan usaha itu.
21.  Elipsis
Adalah gaya bahasa yang berwujud menghilangkan suatu unsur kalimat yang dengan mudah dapat diisi atau ditafsirkan sendiri oleh pembaca.
Contoh : Risalah derita yang menimpa ini.

22.  Litotes
Adalah gaya bahasa yang dipakai untuk menyatakan sesuatu dengan tujuan merendahkan diri
Contoh : Mampirlah ke gubukku!
23.  Histeron Proteron
adalah gaya bahasa yang merupakan kebailikan dari sesuatu yang logis atau kebalikan dari sesuatu yang wajar.
Contoh : Bila ia sudah berhasil mendaki karang terjal itu, sampailah ia di tepi pantai yang luas dengan pasir putihnya
24.  Pleonasme
Adalah gaya bahasa yang memberikan keterangan dengan kata-kata yang maknanya sudah tercakup dalam kata yang diterangkan atau mendahului.
Contoh : Darah merah membasahi baju dan tubuhnya
25.  Tautologi
Adalah gaya bahasa yang mengulang sebuah kata dalam kalimat atau mempergunakan kata-kata yang diterangkan atau mendahului.
Contoh : Kejadian itu tidak saya inginkan dan tidak saya harapkan
26.  Parifrasis
Adalah gaya bahasa yang menggantikan sebuah kata dengan frase atau serangkaian kata yang sama artinya.
Contoh : Kedua orang itu bersama calon pembunuhnya segera meninggalkan tempat itu
27.  Prolepsis atau Antisipasi
Adalah gaya bahasa dimana orang mempergunakan lebih dahulu kata-kata atau sebuah kata sebelum peristiwa atau gagasan yang sebenarnya terjadi.
Contoh : Keua orang tua itu bersama calon pembunuhnya segera meninggalkan tempat itu.
28.  Hiperbola
Adalah gaya bahasa yang memberikan pernyataan yang berlebih-lebihan.
Contoh : Kita berjuang sampai titik darah penghabisan
29.  Paradoks
Adalah gaya bahasa yang mengemukakan hal yang seolah-olah bertentangan, namun sebenarnya tidak karena objek yang dikemukakan berbeda.
Contoh : Dia besar tetapi nyalinya kecil.
30.  Metafora
Adalah gaya bahasa yang membandingkan suatu benda tertentu dengan benda lain yang mempunyai sifat sama.
Contoh : Jantung hatinya hilang tiada berita

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Nazi presence in Indonesia's Forgotten

Thursday, March 3, 2011

World War II Theatres Asia-Pacific, which occurred in Indonesia , colored by the presence of German Nazi forces. Their action made ​​after the Dutch surrender to Japanese in kalijati, Subang, March 8, 1942, or 64 years ago. However, the presence of Nazi Germany to Indonesia seemed forgotten in the history of the struggle of the Indonesian nation.

The presence of German Nazi forces in Indonesia, in general, through the action of a number of submarines (u-boat/u-boote) in the Indian Ocean, Java Sea, Sunda Strait, the Strait of Malacca, on the period of 1943-1945. A total of 23 u-boats and fro in the waters of Indonesia, Malaysia , and Australia , with a base with Japan, in Jakarta , Sabang, and Penang, which departed from the occupied areas in Brest and Bordeaux (France) from January to June 1943.

Operation of a number of u-boats in the Far East, is the Fuehrer Adolf Hitler's orders to the Commander of the German Navy (Kriegsmarine), Admiral Karl Doenitz. The goal, opening the blockade of the opponent, also brings precision machinery, aircraft engines, and various equipment industries other, which required "fellow colleagues", Japan was occupied Indonesia and Malaysia. After coming back from there, various submarine was on duty guarding the ship that brought "gift" from Indonesia and Malaysia, the plantation form of natural rubber, quinine, fiber-Fibreous, etc.., For the purposes of the German war industry in Europe.

At first, German submarines assigned to the Indian Ocean with the initial goal to Penang totaling 15 units, comprising U-177, U-196, U-198, U-852, U-859, U-860, U-861, U -863, and U-871 (all from Type IXD2), U-510, U-537, U-843 (Type IXC), U-1059 and U-1062 (Type VIIF). The amount is then increased by the presence of U-862 (Type IXD2), who moved base to Jakarta.

This is followed by U-195 (Type IXD1) and U-219 (Type XB), who began to use Jakarta as a base in January 1945. Since then, flocking other German submarines are still based in Penang and Sabang to move with the base to Jakarta, so that Japan and then move the ship selamnya to Surabaya .

U-862 which is commanded by Heinrich Timm, who recorded the most successful acts in the territory of Indonesia. Depart from Jakarta and then safely returned to the place of origin, to sink Allied ships in the Indian Ocean, Java Sea, to the Australian Coast.

Misfortune experienced by U-862 near the line of duty in the surface area of ​​the Indian Ocean. Because of a wrong maneuver, the submarine was almost experiencing "backfire", from an acoustic torpedo type homming T5/G7 Zaunkving the launch. Fortunately, U-862 quickly in an emergency dive, so that the torpedo was then missed.

After Germany surrendered to Allied forces, May 6, 1945, U-862 to move base from Jakarta to Singapore . In July 1945, U-862 assigned to the Japanese Navy, and changed the code becomes I-502. Japan then surrendered to the Allies, in August the same year.History U-862 ended February 13, 1946 as Allied forces destroyed in Singapore. The crew of U-862 alone all survived and returned to their homeland several years after the war.

Indigenous Protected

After Germany surrendered to the Allies in Europe on May 8, 1945, a variety of submarines that are still functioning, then granted to the Japanese Navy to later be used again, until Japan surrendered on August 15, 1945 after the nuclear bombed by the Americans.

After the event, a number of German soldiers in Indonesia to go alone do not have a job.The Germans took the initiative for recognizable fighters to Indonesia and the Dutch people are not wrongly suspected. How, they made the sign of attributes taken from his uniform by using the Reich eagle emblem on their sleeves part.

The German soldiers who had been based in Jakarta and Surabaya, moved to the Plantation settled Cikopo, Kec. Megamendung, Kab. Bogor. They all then take off their uniforms and live as "civilians" in there.

German military observers in Indonesia's history, Herwig Zahorka, recounts, in early September 1945 a British-Ghurka Regiment under the command of officers from Scotland came to the island of Java. They were surprised to find German troops on the Plantation Cikopo.

The commander asked the Major German Navy, which became kokolot Burghagen there, to seek shelter in Bogor.

Using 50 trucks former Japanese troops, the German people in the Plantations Cikopo it was moved to a shelter in Bogor. But they must return their uniform, holding weapons provided by the British troops, to protect the shelter which was originally occupied by the Dutch people.

At that time, according to him, in the shelters a lot of Dutch people who complain, because they are "guarded" by the Germans. "On the first night of stay, immediate shooting each other but no casualties. Apparently, the Indonesian people thought the Germans had been captured by pasukan.Sekutu, and they try to liberate the German people," said Zahorka.

After the incident, the British handed over approximately 260 German troops to the Dutch who then imprisoned on the island of Onrust, Thousand Islands.

It was also notable, some German soldiers to escape from the island of Onrust, to swim across to another island. Among them, a naval pilot named Werner and his friend Lvsche of U-219.

During the run, they joined the Indonesian independence fighters in Java, working together against the Dutch who wanted to re-colonize. Lvsche later died, allegedly due to accidents when assembling the flame thrower

[B] Interview with Herwig Zahorka
Warfare Only Takes The Futility [/ b]

NOT many know that the Nazi German army had come to Indonesia. To find bit of its history, following an interview with the German military observer of history who lived in Indonesia, Herwig Zahorka (72).

Why the German army "traveled" to the Far East to Indonesia?

The principle of benefit, it is known, then Germany is mutually supportive of Japan and Italy. Incidentally, the German need for imported goods with income from the island occupied by Japan. Fuss, Southeast Asia was blockaded the Allied Fleet, to penetrate Germany rely on submarines as a way of effectively.

Germany allowed to take the necessary ingredients in Europe, rubber, quinine, tin, molybdan, wolfram , fat, opium, iodine, and gelatin, as well as important materials for aviation paint color. Moreover, many plantations and mining on the island of Java, including Java, which is owned by the Germans.

In the midst of the high Indonesian nationalism want to escape from Dutch and Japanese colonial rule, is there a role directly or indirectly from the Germans?

True, even without an accident. This happened on 16 August night, Sukarno with Moh.Hatta must make handwriting to text Proclamation, to read the next day. To ensure safety, they make it in the place of residence of Admiral Maeda.

In the morning of August 17, Proclamation text typed in there, but that there is only a Japanese typewriter no Latin letters. Fortunately, in the Office of the Commander of the German Navy in Jakarta which was then led by Major AL Dr. Kandeler, there is still a typewriter with the Latin letters. Soon, some people go directly to it by using a vehicle owned by his secretary jeep Admiral Maeda, Satzuki Mishima, to "borrow" typewriter. As a result, a few hours later, the manuscript text of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence on August 17, 1945, has been read by Sukarno.

Proclamation of the original document typed by a typewriter Sajuti Melik with the German Navy. The typewriter is now in the Museum Formulation Manuscript Proclamation, but from here the story becomes much incongruity.

After 61 years, the German presence in Indonesia can be seen through the cemetery at Arca Domas. Does the German government to make the tomb as "the history of assets of the nation" in foreign countries?

Of course, even our government is very concerned about its existence. Tomb of the army in Arca Domas actually can be more manicured again, because our country has a hero's tomb garden care organizations in Germany throughout the world. Unfortunately, because the Indonesian government regulations do not allow the tomb in Arca Domas can be purchased.

Is a sense of closeness with the heroes of our nation, though far from the homeland, because "we have a friend" which is now fused with tropical atmosphere. Although later, the existence of the tomb in Arca Domas aware of many, the war finally brought only vanity. (Kodar Solihat / "PR ")***

[B] Arca Domas, Memories of the German Army in Indonesia [/ b]

IF taken from South Cikopo highway, it took approximately half an hour to get to the location of the tomb in the village of Arca Domas, Sukaresmi Village, Kec.Megamendung, Kab. Bogor. However, the vehicle must be "berjibaku" always take the rocky road without asphalt with a cliff on one side.

TOMB ten navy Nazi Germany, two of which submariners U-195 and U-196, in Kampung Desa Arca Domas Sukaresmi Kab. Bogor, a silent witness to the presence of Indonesian troops in Nazi Germany in World War II. Surprisingly, not many locals who know the existence of the tomb of the German army. They just know there is a cemetery just down the road. In fact, in isolated places that lay the bodies of ten soldiers of Nazi German Navy (Kriegsmarine), who died in Indonesia, shortly after Japan surrendered to the Allies, in August 1945.

Total area of ​​the cemetery is shaded by frangipani trees, approximately 300 square meters. Around the tomb overgrown hedgerows as high as one meter. Bamboo fence blocked the entrance. Near the entrance, standing monument built Deutscher Soldatenfriedhof Federal Republic of Germany Embassy in Jakarta to honor German soldiers who died.

They are the commander of U-195 crew Friederich Steinfeld and U-195, Dr. Heinz Haake.Another is the German sailors, Willi Petschow, W. Martens, Jens Wilhelm, Hermann Tangermann, Willi Schlummer, Schiffszimmermann (ship carpenter) Eduard Onnen. Two separate memorial is the tomb of unknown soldiers (Unbekannt).

The tomb was located on land Afdeling South Cikopo Diamond Mountain Estates II.Previously, the tomb was treated PT Perkebunan XII (now PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII) as the manager of Diamond Mountain Estates, but since last few years the German government-funded care cemetery. Land adjacent to the tomb had tea plantation area and quinine. However, these plants out looted, several years ago.

German military observers in Indonesia's history, Herwig Zahorka contacted by "homework", said Lieutenant Steinfeld Friederich died in Surabaya due to dysentery and malnutrition during the Allied prisoners. This information is obtained from the former crew of U-195 who live in Austria, Peter Marl (82tahun) and former U-195 crew of the other, Martin Muller, who came to the tomb in 1999.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Willi Marine Engineer Lieutenant Schlummer and Jens Wilhelm, Indonesian freedom fighters killed in the German House in Bogor, 12 October 1945.Possibly, they thought the Dutch let alone accent similar language.

Marine Lt. W. Martens was killed in a train journey from Jakarta to Bogor. Cpl One Willi Petschow died 29 September, due to illness while in Plantation Cikopo, and Tangermann Lieutenant Captain Herman died in an accident on August 23 that same year.

"Even when that happens either because the presumed target of the Dutch, but then many Indonesian people to recognize they were Germans. This was later made into a brotherly relationship," said Zahorka, retired director of forestry of Germany, who live in Bogor, Indonesia and married women.

Regarding the existence of two statues in the tomb, Zahorka said statues were deliberately kept as a tribute to the culture of local residents.

Village residents Arca Domas, Abah Sa'ad (76 th), a living witness of events in the village burial of German troops in October 1945. At that time, the age of 15 years. She remembers the funeral procession made dozens of Nazi German soldiers in the army. The event invites the attention of citizens.

"At that time, people should not be approached. From a distance, it appears four German soldiers carried the coffin, and a jar that she said contained the ashes. The Germans were dressed in white, with led by a commander who seems to them because it uses a cap," he said.

As far as Abah Sa'ad, initially, the tomb of the German army crosses headstones marked only ordinary, until then there is a fix tomb as it is now.

Beauty and cleanliness of the tomb could not be separated from the role of tomb guardian, Madame Emma (65) which financed the German Embassy twice a year."Usually, every year there are German nationals who visit the tomb of his country's heroes," he said.

However, she does not know the history of the tomb by the new carried off her husband (a retired employee Plantation Mount Mas) 10 years ago. He continued to work her husband (the late) to Kuncen.

[B] Ever visited Jakarta Nuclear Weapons [/ b]

[Img] http://aldebaran.bluefameupload.com/img/ad48835c7b52dec2aeddc7ce5c097f41/indian_ocean.gif [/ img]

U-195 and U-219 Almost Change History

FROM various German submarines in action in Indonesia is U-195 and U-219 that could change history in the Asia-Pacific region, if Germany and Japan did not trigger lose.Both the submarine was carrying uranium and Nazi Germany's rocket, V-2, in a separate state to Jakarta, to be developed in the project of nuclear weapons by Japanese forces under the command of General Toranouke Kawashima.

This is a German step to help Japan, which competed with the United States in making nuclear weapons to win World War II in the Asia-Pacific region. The plan, nuclear weapons projects were fired into the territory of Japan to the United States.

U-195 submarine arrived in Jakarta on December 28, 1944 and U-219 on December 11, 1944. Richard Besant in his book entitled Stalin's Silver and Robert K. Wilcox in Japan's Secret War, just mentioned, both the submarine was carrying a total of 12 V-2 rocket and uranium to Jakarta.

However, he brought the notes on uranium and V-2 rocket to Japan through Indonesia, stopping only to Jakarta. As the German surrender to Allied forces in Europe on May 8, 1945, its existence is not clear anymore.

Meanwhile, Japan's nuclear weapons project in Hungnam, north of Korea, have tested nuclear weapons a week faster than the United States. But Japan's problems continue to develop, due to the supporting material must wait from Germany.

Submarine U-195 and U-219 and then destroyed the allied forces, when they are transferred to the Japanese Navy. Some crew of U-95 itself, there is a later died and was buried in Indonesia.

Ships U-195 (Type IXD1) commanded by Friedrich Steinfeld, during its successful sinking of two ships ally total deadweight 14,391 GRT and damaged another vessel that weighs a 6797 GRT. The submarine was later assigned to the Navy of Japan in Jakarta in May 1945 and turned into I-506 on July 15, 1945. The ship was then seized the Allied Forces in Surabaya in August 1945 and demolished in 1947.

While U-219 (Type XB), commanded by Walter Burghagen, which during the action has never sink enemy ships. The submarine was later assigned to the Navy of Japan in Jakarta, and on May 8, 1945 turn into I-505. After Japan surrendered in August 1945, the I-505 captured Allied troops in the Sunda Strait and then destroyed by the British Navy in 1948.

The story of German submarine duty action during World War II was also the inspiration made a movie called "Das-Boot," which was released in Germany in 1981.One of the authentic sources about the lives of the u-boat crew, is a former first officer of U-219, Hans Joachim Krug, who later became the film's consultant.

Not surprisingly, the movie is 145 minutes duration, the crews of German submarines authentically portrayed. Go look neat but came home in a filthy state, knowing just because for days or even weeks in water, they rarely shower so that the beard, mustache, and hair grows too fast.


Meanwhile, on the other cruise lines, U-234 are also of Type XB went to Japan via the Arctic Ocean by May 1945. The submarine also carries components of V2 rockets and 500 kg of uranium for nuclear projects by Japanese forces, and bring Me262 fighter jet.

U-Boat carrying 234 German Air Force General (Luftwaffe), a number of Germany's most advanced weapons design at the time, and two Japanese officers. During the trip, a number of Allied warships and planes trying to sink U-234.

After Germany surrendered, May 8, 1945, a number of U-234 crew decided to surrender to U.S. forces. From here the story developed, U.S. forces found the submarine was carrying uranium which is then used for the Manhattan Project in the production of nuclear bombs.

Appear later speculation, which made nuclear bomb uranium from U-234, then used the U.S. to bomb Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan in August 1945.

[B] The mystery disappearance of U-196 in the South Sea [/ b]

FROM a German submarine in action in the waters of Indonesia, is U-196 which still keeps the mystery of his existence.

Until now, the fate of the submarine Type IXD2 was only rumored to be lost in the South Sea (another name for the southern Indian Ocean).

Various official records in the German u-boats, U-196 declared missing with all 65 crew off the coast of Sukabumi since December 1, 1944. A day earlier, who commanded the submarine that Striegler Werner, Nahas allegedly suffered while diving.

Submarine U-196 left Jakarta on November 29, 1944, but then no longer known their final position after crossing the Sunda Strait. Message last routine submarine was on 30 November 1944 only "preach" exposed to an explosion due to hit sea mines and then sunk.

But the unclear fate of the crew of U-196, there is one name that was pronounced dead in Indonesia. He was Lieutenant Dr. Heinz Haake that his tomb is in Kampung Arca Domas Bogor, along with nine other German Nazi army.

Minimal record of why the bodies can be buried there Haake, while other colleagues who did not clear his fate. Just say, he was buried at the request of his family.

During his career, U-196 had a record when it was led by previous commanders, Friedrich Kentrat. The submarine was doing patrol duty in the depths of the longest sea during 225 days, from March 13 till October 23, 1943. The ship sank three enemy ships with a total weight of 17 739 GRT.

The position was then replaced Werner Friedrich Kentrat Striegler (former commander of the U-IT23) since October 1, 1944, until then U-196 were left devastated a month later.

However, some parties are still speculating on the lack of clarity about the fate of most of the crew of U-196. Although in general they are declared lost with the submarine participated in the South Sea, but there are suspect most of the survivors.

That said, this ship came to South America and some crew members living in Iqueque, Chile. From here too, no longer clear whether the U-196 finally really relax in there, if later the submarine was sunk or sold to the junkman as scrap metal, etc..

Someone who sends e-mails from England, sent October 14, 2004, still looking for clear information about the existence of the fate of the crew U-196. He guessed, U-196 was not affected by landmine accidents in the vicinity of the Sunda Strait and South Sea, while the crew then settled in Chile.

Conviction is obtained after reading a newspaper in Chile, a number of German submarine crews had gathered in Iqueque in 1945. They arrived along with cruisers Almirante Latorre, who escorted them during the journey from the Indian Ocean. Under the protection of the cruisers, submarines are several times lurking in the waters of the island, before finally berthing at South Coast Chile.

Which raises the question itself, why, after arriving in Chile, there was no one home to the German crew members or trying to rejoin their unit. It added, lack of news during the last 50 years that seems to "darken" the clarity the fate of U-196, compared to various other u-boats that are both in action in Indonesia.

I do not know, if only Dr. Heinz Haake still alive and become Indonesian citizens, maybe he can tell the events that actually happened to U-196.

[B] Location Map The sinking of U-Boat War II [/ b]

U-168, commander Helmuth Pich, drowned two merchant ships versus total GRT 6568, 1 allied warships weighing 1440 GRT, and damage to other ships weighing 9804 GRT. The fate of the final sank in the Java Sea on October 6, 1944 at 06.20LS position, 111.28BT, due to the Dutch submarine torpedoes, HRMS Zwaardvisch. A total of 23 crew of U-168 were killed and 27 others survived, and then imprisoned in Surabaya and Australia.

U-183, commander Fritz Schneewind, drowned four opponents total 19,260 GRT vessel, and one opponent weighing 6993 GRT vessel. The submarine was later sunk in the Java Sea, 23 April 1945, ditorpedo United States submarine, the USS Besugo. A total of 54 U-183 crew died and only one survivor, namely Schneewind. After the war, he lived in Padang, West Sumatra until the end of his life, because he was born there 10 April 1917.

U-859, commander Johann Jebsen, drowned three ships a total of 20 853 GRT opponent.Drowning in the Straits of Malacca, 23 September 1944, at the position 05.46LT, 100.04BE, ditorpedo British submarine, HMS Trenchant. A total of 47 crew were killed and 20 others survived.

U-537, commander Peter Schrewe (27 January 1943-9 November 1944), did not sink an enemy ship. The fate of the last, sank with all 58 crew members on November 9, 1944 in Surabaya, eastern Java Sea in position 07:13 S 115.17 E, due to U.S. submarine torpedo attack, the USS Flounder.

Uit-23, originally Italian submarine, Reginaldo Giuliani, overtaken Germany in Singapore, 10 September 1943. Werner commanded Striegler, this submarine sank in the Straits of Malacca, because ditorpedo British submarine, HMS Talluho. A total of 26 crew members were killed, 14 others survived, including Striegler who later got a new submarine, U-196.

U-196 commanded by Werner Striegler, sinking three enemy ships totaling 17,739 GRT.The fate of the last, missing since December 1, 1944, in the vicinity of the Sunda Strait and the Southern Indian Ocean island of Java, exact position unknown.

German submarines based in Jakarta. Here u-boat, the name of the commander, and his fate:

U-168 Helmut Pich, Jakarta 4/10/1944, 6/10/1944 sink
U-181 Kurt Freiwald, 10.19.1944 Jakarta, Jakarta 5/01/1945
U-537 Peter Schrewe, Jakarta 8/11/1944, 9/11/1944 sink
U-196 Werner Striegler, Jakarta 11/11/1944, sinking 30/11/1944
Alfred Eick U-510, 26/11/1944 Jakarta, Jakarta 3/12/1944
U-843 Oskar Herwartz, Jakarta 10/12/1944, Bergen 3/04/1945
Alfred Eick U-510, Jakarta 11/01/1945, France 24/04/1945
U-532 Ottoheinrich Junker, Jakarta 13/01/1945, surrender
U-861 Juergen Oesten, Jakarta 14/01/1945, Norway 18/04/1945
Friedrich U-195 Steinfeld, Jakarta 17/01/1945, Jakarta 3/03/1945
U-183 Fritz Schneewind, Jakarta 22/04/1945, sinking 24/04/1945